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Software for RISC OS Computers
The Callsign Page
Please note this software will only run on Risc OS Computers.
This program is for radio hams!
It is a specialist database that radio enthusiasts can use to log their calls. The database has been written to meet the legal requirements of holding a licence. Although not quite as feature packed as some of the PC rivals (yet) it is a very capable program written with the support of a radio enthusiast.
Features that are supported.
- Export of the log in Risc OS or PC text format.
- Callsign checking for previous entries.
- Compact file, so that the log can be stored on a floppy disc.
- Competition mode supported, that can be started/stopped at will.
- Variable reports enabling analysis of your logs.
- Carry forward of unchanging data.
- Automatic completion of date and time (if required).
- Automatic timed saves (if required).
- Auto recovery if the computer crashes. (I understand that radios and computers don't make a good mix!)
The whole program has been written with ease of use in mind. Further features will be added if enough response is generated. So if you use the program please let me know.