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Clive Cussler

Date first published28 Aug 2013Zero Hour cover
ISBN Number978 0718 17718 8
Page Count390 h/b
h/b= hardback : p/b= paperback

Zero Hour


it's called zero-point energy, a new source of power that holds the promise to change the world. If it doesn't destroy it first.

Zero point really exists - a state of energy contained in all matter, everywhere, and all but unlimited. But nobody has ever found a way to tap into it. Not until one scientist discovers a way.

Or at least he thinks he has. The problem is, his machines also cause great earthquakes, even fissures in techtonic plates. One machine is buried deep underground; the other is submerged in a vast ocean trench. And if Kurt Austin , Joe Zavala and the rest of NUMA Special Assignments team aren't able to find and destroy them, and soon, the world will be on the threshold of a new era of earth tremours and unchecked volcanism.

The stakes could not be higher...



3 and a half out of 5

This is probably the best Austin novel for some time. The story has the right amount of action, romance and a quite nice twist towards the end of the story. The scene where Austin is trying to keep the crew of Orion alive took me way back to the scene on Raise The Titanic. Nicely written, and left you feeling that it could of gone either way.

Thero is a great character, starting off as an aspiring scientist hoping to help the world, turned by mulitple events, into a man hell bent on taking revenge on those who have wronged him, and for that matter those that haven't. The twist as to who the traitor is within Thero's group is very clever - no I'm not giving it away this time!

Some of Cussler's later works have included technology which only seems to be on the very edge of credibility, however the theory of Zero Point Energy does exist, and formed by no lesser scientist than Einstein in collaboration with Otto Stern. Whether it could provide an infinite energy source, as described in the book, is another matter as the subject seems to get very complicated, very quickly. Look it up on the web, or search for 'quantom vacuumm zero-point energy.

The story is a nicely fast paced story, with basically a bad man doing nasty things which the local law enforcement can't deal with (ok he did get a serious gunshot wound), in which Austin sought of gets sucked in by chance. Austin for a change also gets the girl, which doesn't always happen. It was also nice to see the NUMA guys getting out of a rather sticky situation without using force, but more of their wits.

One weakness was in respect of the henchman Janko, who seems to have got off lightly - I'm not sure whether he died, or lived to see another day, certainly the last we saw of him was him receiving a crack over the head from one of the mine prisoners.

To sum up a better than average offering in this series, although to my mind the lead characters are still to close to Pitt and Giordino - the original good guys.

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